What cracks me up is that the Watchtower wets their panties when someone with an ex- in front of his name attaches a document to a website.
You are damned if you do, or don't.
If you just use short quotes from a Watchtower publication, JWs will accuse you of making it up. I mean, look - they still deny 1925 and 1975 ever happened or that the Awake! magazine changed its page two purpose statement three times in 15 years.
In the case of a BOE letter, for example, since most R&F JWs don't actually see those letters, we could quote all day and they'd deny it. THEY WANT US TO PROVE EVERYTHING WE WRITE.
So we print a copy of the Watchtower cover or a BOE letter or a major graphic from one of their books to PROVE TO THEM THAT WHAT WE ARE SAYING IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH - and then Watchtower legal wants to hit us with a copyright infringement.
There are ways around all of this that are just as effective as providing copies of the actual articles or documents. Maybe more so.
I agree that the Watchtower should have the right to protect their copyrights and no one should profit from the work of a "non-profit" organization, but we all know that it is not about the monetary value of any of their publications, talk outlines, or internal letters - it about what they reveal.
Do you ever wonder if some of the "helpers" in the Writing Department ever comment outloud to each other, "Jesus F. Christ! Did we actually write this crap? WTF were we thinking?"